Entrepreneur Training


Teaching you how to get the results you want from your business life







Your Business Will Never Be The Same


On this powerful experiential training course, you’ll learn the formula every truly successful entrepreneur utilieses to build wealth creating businesses.

You’ll work closely with a certified personal business mentor whose sole purpose is to help you to see your business with fresh eyes and accelerate you towards your goals in the shortest possible time.

We start the day by focusing in on what it is that you truly want to achieve from your business life so that ‘together’ we can construct a reverse engineered plan of action to transport you from where you are now, to where it is you want to be i.e. a wealth creating Entrepreneur.




How to spot where your true opportunities really are…

Knowing what you want is a major step in the right direction, but knowing how to spot where the real opportunities are, is the thing that will jet propel you towards the income you want from your business.

By mid-morning you’ll have worked out the answers to the crucial questions every successful entrepreneur has learned the answers too


  • What is the perfect niche for me to sell to?
  • What are my potential buyers hungry to buy?
  • What offer will attract them to me with the least amount of effort?
  • How many clients do I need, to create the income I want?

By lunch time you will have begun to see your business with fresh eyes and see for the first time in a long time ‘HOW’ you are going to make your business a true success.





Every Day in Every Way a Plan Will Transport You,
Businesses only fail because of one reason! A lack of profitable sales

If you want to become an outstanding success you’re simply going to have to create and follow a robust plan of action to turn your dreams into a reality.

Together we’ll draw up your unique 'business canvas' and the 'plan of action' that will focus you on those things that will accelerate your sales and income from here on.





Every Entrepreneur Knows the Power of Having a Fame Strategy

After lunch we’ll focus on how to create a solid 'fame strategy' for you and the core services you offer in order to begin attracting more clients to you.


We’ll cover the basics of brand recognition and give you a solid understanding of how marketing really works and the best strategies for you to implement in order to create incoming enquiries for the services you offer.





Converting Conversations into Sales Revenue

OK, we know most people dislike and even hate the sales element of being in business, but this is only because they (and potentially you) have never learned how to professionally help a potential customer to buy


During this part of the training you’ll learn an easy to use, elegant way of finding out exactly what a potential customer really wants to buy (not what you think they want).


We’ll teach you a simple to learn simple to use 5 step conversation process that always keeps you comfortably focused towards helping a potential client to buy from you.


We start the day by focusing in on what it is that you truly want to achieve from you’re your business life so that ‘together’ we can construct a reverse engineered plan of action to transport you from where you are now, to where it is you want to be i.e. a wealth creating Entrepreneur.





Your Entrepreneurs Training Course in Summary

Mind-set of an Entrepreneur: How to stay focused & outcome driven
Value Proposition: How to become a customer magnet
Niche: How to profile a hungry client
Marketing: How to attract customers to you
Sales: A simple 5-step conversation process to win more business
Time management: A plan of action to create a great work-life balance

You are guaranteed to finish the day with a completely fresh and inspired view of your business – if you don’t, we’ll happily give you your money back.

You can't climb Everest alone!

This is where John Kettley is exceptional. If you want rapid success it's crucial to have an accountability partner or 'mentor'. John has helped me to completely redefine my own version of success and move rapidly toward the results I wanted to achieve.


They say "nothing happens until a sale takes place" and if you want more sales then John is the go to man to can help you develop those skills.


Most business challenges can be solved if you're generating sales and John is a genuine expert in helping people do just that. Take a few minutes to see what he could do for you. You won't be disappointed.


Simon Kramer, Effective accountants

Having completed the Advanced Sales and Marketing Course, I walked in one person and came out a completely different more motivated and confident individual knowing exactly what my business does and for whom.


The methods you learn on the course completely change your perception and business life, giving you the motivation to succeed.

I would recommend that any business owner finding every day business a challenge have a chat with John Kettley at the Sales Masters Guild team." 


Deborah Skeldon - Behind the Glass (Magazine)

I attended the Sales Master Guild training to improve my sales conversion ratios. I found the course invaluable even to someone who has had been on several sales training courses in the past.


You can always learn something new and by implementing just a small change it will change your results, this course explains the sales process well and adds a new dimension to it...


Davina Farrer - Utility Warehouse

“The Sales foundation workshop was fantastic!!


I’ve already personally referred two of my clients and the results have been fantastic. Any business owner looking to increase their sales should come on this course and send their sales teams through this process”… 


Scott Dwyer - Motivations

The Sales Foundation workshop, I found it to be truly excellent. Clearly defining the sales process and how to work through it with potential new clients.


The training is very interactive, very enjoyable and one benefits from having other business owners present. 


I recommend this sales training course to anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their sales operation


Robert Harris - AIMS Acountants

The expert knowledge of sales and his fantastic teaching ability has made a massive difference to my confidence in every aspect of my business.


Huge thanks to John Kettley for changing the way I now look at the business world and produce measurably greater results.


His back-up calls and continuous correspondence are greatly appreciated. Highly recommended!


Martin Kearney - Internetwork Media