Become a Turnaround, Growth & Scale to Sale Specialist


Learn how to Turnaround, Grow & Sell a clients business




There is a Serious Shortage of specialist turnaround and scale to sale experts..


The pandemic created a quantum change across the business landscape to a place where business owners need specialist advice and guidence from someone who has the skills and connections to quickly turn a company around, grow its sales revenues and for some, to scale the valuation of the company to sell it for the highest possible number!!


The problem for business owners is in finding the right guiding mentor from all of the vanilla business coaches, trainers and consultants who are themselves struggling to make their advisory business pay.

Over the last 12 years we’ve learned exactly ‘HOW’ to attract a steady flow of high-value clients in order to avoid the terrible famine or feast nature that most people in the business development sector endure.


Here at the SMG you'll learn a ‘proven method’ for creating a high-income, lifestyle based mentoring practice based on specialist skills and knowledge, we’ve also identified the specific qualities an individual must have, if they are to truly succeed as a TGSS specialist i.e.


  • A sincere passion for helping people to achieve ‘their’ ultimate goal
  • A confident, learning mentality (Open mind)
  • A genuine desire to achieve results quickly
  • Solid communication skills.





What You'll Learn

From Us?


Whether you’re fresh from the corporate world or a seasoned consultant, the challenge when transitioning to become a specialist is in developing a model that is genuinely needed by a specific type of business owner how to attract a consistant flow of high-value clients.

The reason why so many people fail when setting up on their own becomes obvious when you realise there are certain principles that must be followed in order to succeed, it simply takes time and experiance to learn what those principles are.


We'll fast track your learning by teaching and mentoring you with


  • A proven 6-figure income mentoring model
  • A marketing strategy that establishes you as a ‘go to expert’ 
  • The bird dog strategy that results in referrals
  • A sales process that identifies a client’s ‘real world’ challenges & desires
  • An easy to use client on-boarding process
  • A 5-step process for achieving results with any client






Discover a proven model


We’ll teach you a proven personal business mentoring model so that you see a financial return on your investment of time and energy within months not years.

We’ll show you exactly how to fast track past the school of hard knocks so that you have paying clients within 12-16 weeks of completing your specialist TGSS mentor training.

You’ll learn WHY most business advisors, coaches and consultants suffer a feast or famine income and how to achieve a solid work-life balance from your business.

You’ll also learn how, 'with a few tweaks' to a clients business, how you can substantially grow their revenue streams to turn a company around in the shortest possible time.







“Our journey begins with a conversation

This training and everything that follows it is not for everyone, we (as much as you) want a positive outcome for you, which is why following your making contact via the form below:

Our founder, John F Kettley, will call you direct for a genuine 2-way conversation to learn about you, your background and your ambitions for the future.

John will answer any questions you have about how to become a successful TGSS specialist and whether this intensive training is the right path for you, and what we at the Sales Masters Guild (SMG) can do to help you get up and running in the shortest possible time.

Once you and John are comfortable that the training (and for some, the partner offering) is right for you, John will invite you to join him at the next mentored training event to experience what we do first hand.







'Turnaround & Growth' Mentor Training


Prepare to stretch yourself as you’ve never done before.


Over 3 days of intensive mentor training, you’ll experience a quantum shift in the way you see both the business landscape and how you can personally make a massive difference in your local business community.

Day 1: We deep dive into the 'mind-behind success' and why focusing on a client’s mindset is the best way to achieve extraordinary results.

You’ll learn needle moving strategies and tactics to help your clients gain a stronger more outcome driven mind-set, before diving deep into the mechanics of how to reverse engineer extraordinary success (for both you and your future clients).

Day 2: You’ll learn the step-by-step ‘entrepreneur formula’ that will underpin all of your clients mentored training from this point on (it’s a strong day full of light bulb moments).


We’ll share with you the business blueprint exercise, a powerful document that is the centre piece of how you will completely recalibrate how your clients see their business and make it fit for purpose over the months & potentially years that you will be working with them.

Day 3: We know that by day 3 you’ll be buzzing with excitement to get out there and begin building your mentoring practice, which is why we complete this course with what we believe, is the world’s best sales training,


We’ll teach you

  • How to find and elegantly approach your ideal clients
  • How to get into rapport quickly and easily
  • How to articulate a compelling proposition in any scenario and
  • Effortlessly convert a business conversation into a high value client.

By the end of day 3 you’ll have the foundations from which to launch yourself as a professional business Turnaround, Growth & Scale to Exit specialist, all you’ll need now is the desire and motivation to get out there and turn your ambitions into a reality.



  1. 30-Days FREE lead generation marketing
  2. Option to join as an Associate member of the SMG








“Taking it to the next level”


Operating as an independent can be a lonely and challenging experience without peers to bounce off, which is why we open up our partnering opportunity to those who share our ethos, ethics and who will appreciate the advantages of being integrally connected to a network of exceptional mentors.

It’s not an opportunity for everyone, in fact it’s something that is only offered to those who meet our exceptional standards of professionalism and who are commited to ongoing personal development.

To those who qualify, we offer a level of support and comradery not found anywhere else in the industry.


IF once you’ve completed the training you decide you want to take your learnings and skills to an even higher level by becoming a fully certified SMG training mentor and you are a great fit with all of the Sales Masters Guild partners, we’ll open up an opportunity that is second to none in the personal business development industry.

We’ll begin with a further 2 days of intensive training on all of the SMG branded mentoring materials and how to present and professionally deliver the SMG’s mentored workshop trainings

SMG partner mentors have full access to our library of mentoring content including


  • 5 x 1-day mentored training workshops
  • Over 40 ½ day mentored training workshops
  • A full online training portal for your client’s personal use
  • Monthly mentor training sessions with your peers, to fine tune your skills sets
  • Full mentored support by the SMG team & your fellow SMG partner mentors
  • Access to our online SMG training mentors portal


Begin your journey now by contacting us today to arrange a 1-2-1 conversation with the founder of the Sales Masters Guild - John F Kettley




Course / Location




3-Day Certified 'TGSE Specialist' Training 2/3/4 October 2024
Hitchin Priory Hotel, Hertfordshire, SG5 2DL

2nd October, 2024
CALL for Info
0333 015 0254

3-Day Certified 'TGSE Specialist' Training 13/14/15 November 2024
Hitchin Priory Hotel, Hertfordshire, SG5 2DL

13th November, 2024
CALL for Info
0333 015 0254


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