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Are you designing the business that you want to?

by Toby Acton

Are you designing the business that you want to?


I recently had a call from a client which really hammered home to me that it is up to us to design our businesses in the way that we want to...


He was being pushed in a certain direction by potential business partners who were promising to find him investment, media exposure and market access.  Whilst it could be potentially extremely lucrative, it was very much going against his ethos of 'why' he set up his business and his vision for 'how' he wanted to grow it organically.  


It just didn't sit comfortably with him, despite the enormous potential of what he was being offered.


It is so easy for us to end up playing to someone else’s tune, someone else’s agenda – it might be clients, customers, suppliers, business partners.


But we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that it is about designing a business to design a life with 'our' end goal in mind – creating what 'we' want to create.


It's about growing your business in the way that you want to – marketing yourself how you want to, providing the offerings that you want to, taking on the type of clients that you want to work with.


I also see this sometimes when someone has one major client that is 70, 80 or even 90% of their revenue.


Not only is this a dangerous position to be in, it can end up with your big client dictating the direction that your business takes and designing your business for you.


I do spend a lot of time with clients helping them to ensure that they are creating the business that 'they' want to create and that they are not working to other people’s agendas, to other people’s design.


So ask yourself, are you in control of your business? Are you in control of its direction and its destination?  Are you building what you want to build?


If you would like assistance with ensuring that you are working to your plan, please get in touch.


Toby Acton

Toby Acton is a Sales Masters Guild Personal Business Mentor


For more than two decades, Toby has been running his own businesses, with interests in a variety of diverse sectors including IT, market research and property. He has also mentored and trained many hundreds of people on how to build their networking marketing businesses and to develop their personal brand.


Find out more about Toby on his Sales Masters Guild profile page


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